Тази седмица организирахме вдъхновяващ уъркшоп, част от инициативата Time to Move 2024, където над 20 млади участници се запознаха с разнообразни възможности за личностно и професионално развитие. Събитието премина с активна ангажираност и много усмивки, като даде на всички присъстващи нови перспективи за това как да продължат своето развитие и какви проекти предстоят в организацията ни.
Специален гост на уъркшопа беше психологът Акисния Хаджиева, която подчерта важността на емоционалната подготовка и осъзнатостта при участието в международни проекти. Тя сподели практически съвети за справяне с културния шок и стратегии за адаптация, които младите хора могат да приложат при включване в проекти по програма Erasmus+. Обсъдихме и значението на психологическата подкрепа при пътуване и приспособяване към нови култури, което се оказа особено важно за участниците.
В уъркшопа също така се представиха предстоящите проекти на нашата организация, включително обмени в страни като Испания и Гърция, насочени към теми като екология, социална ангажираност и развитие на лидерски умения. Участниците получиха насоки как да се подготвят и да кандидатстват за тези инициативи, като същевременно осъзнаха огромните ползи, които подобни проекти предлагат – от развиване на нови умения до създаване на международни приятелства.
Събитието завърши с оживена дискусия, където младите хора имаха възможност да задават въпроси, да споделят лични истории и да получат персонални съвети от Акисния Хаджиева и нашия екип. Уъркшопът беше част от нашата мисия да предоставим повече информация за програмите на Erasmus+ и да помогнем на младите хора да се възползват от всички възможности, които Европа предлага.
Нашата организация продължава да работи усилено за подкрепата на младите хора и техния път към едно по-добро и пълноценно бъдеще. Time to Move 2024 е повече от инициатива – тя е мост между младите хора и света, който ги очаква!
As part of our commitment to sustainable development and environmental education, Young Improvers for Youth Development (YIYD) has taken another exciting step by planting fruit trees that will be nurtured in our Youth Space and greenhouse. This initiative aims not only to green our surroundings but also to inspire young people to learn about sustainable agriculture and the benefits of growing their own food.
Why Fruit Trees?
Planting fruit trees is a simple yet powerful way to make a positive impact on the environment and the community. Fruit trees improve air quality, reduce soil erosion, and enhance biodiversity. Beyond their environmental benefits, they also offer practical and educational opportunities, especially for young people. By caring for these trees, youth in our community will gain hands-on experience with sustainable gardening, learn about the importance of natural food sources, and see the long-term rewards of their efforts.
A New Addition to Our Youth Space and Greenhouse
Our Youth Space has always been a hub for growth, learning, and community, and the addition of fruit trees will enhance its role as an educational space. The trees we planted include apple, pear, and plum varieties, chosen for their suitability to the local climate and soil conditions. These trees will be carefully tended by the young people who visit our Youth Space, providing a practical, year-round lesson in sustainability.
Our greenhouse will also play a crucial role in this project, acting as a controlled environment where we can nurture younger saplings and experiment with organic growing techniques. The greenhouse allows us to extend the growing season, giving our participants a chance to care for the trees even during colder months.
Educational Opportunities for Local Youth
The fruit tree planting initiative is more than just an environmental project; it’s a hands-on learning opportunity. Youth in our programs will learn about the various stages of tree care, including planting, watering, pruning, and harvesting. We plan to hold workshops on sustainable agriculture, soil health, and the role of trees in combating climate change, all centered around these new fruit trees.
In addition, participants will explore how organic practices can impact yield and fruit quality, providing them with skills and knowledge they can use in their own homes or communities.
Growing Community and Sustainability
One of the most exciting aspects of this project is its community focus. Once the trees start bearing fruit, they will provide fresh, natural produce that we can share with local families, further reinforcing the importance of sustainable living and food security. By including fruit trees in our Youth Space and greenhouse, we hope to inspire more people in the community to plant trees, grow their own food, and make conscious choices for the environment.
Thank You to Our Supporters!
We would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to Youth and Environment Europe (YEE) and our other supporters for making this project possible. Their support has enabled us to make a lasting impact on our community and provide invaluable learning opportunities for young people.
Stay tuned for updates as we continue to care for our trees and watch them grow! Together, we’re not just planting trees—we’re planting hope, resilience, and a more sustainable future for everyone.
This project is co-funded by YEE, and we are excited to share the journey of our fruit trees as they grow and become a part of our Youth Space and greenhouse community!
Днес имахме честта да посрещнем млади хора, които за първи път се запознаха с възможностите на програма Erasmus+ и инициативата Time to Move 2024! Беше невероятно вдъхновяващо да проведем информационна кампания, по време на която споделихме ключова информация за програмата и как младите хора могат да се възползват от международните проекти, които тя предлага.
По време на сесията, подробно обяснихме всички необходими стъпки за участие в проект по Erasmus+ – от първоначалната подготовка до финалната фаза на заминаване. Разяснихме, че успешното участие в такъв проект не изисква само логистична подготовка, но и сериозна психологическа подкрепа и осъзнаване на предизвикателствата, които могат да възникнат при навлизане в нова културна среда.
Обсъдихме важни въпроси като:
Как да се подготвим емоционално за престоя в чужбина.
Как да се справяме с културния шок и новите социални предизвикателства.
Какви документи и регистрации са нужни за заминаването.
Кои са най-честите проблеми, с които младите хора се сблъскват по време на проектите, и как да се справят с тях.
Нашата цел е не само да вдъхновим повече млади хора да се включат в Erasmus+, но и да им дадем цялата необходима информация и подкрепа, за да бъдат подготвени за своето пътешествие и да извлекат максимума от участието си в проектите.
Тази среща беше част от нашата дейност по проекта Time to Move 2024, която има за цел да насърчи социалната ангажираност, инициативността и личностното развитие на младите хора в нашия регион. Ще продължим да организираме такива сесии, за да информираме и вдъхновим колкото се може повече млади хора да се включат в международни инициативи и да развият своя потенциал.
After an unforgettable and inspiring experience in Brașov, Romania, we are excited to be back at our youth center in Smolyan, ready to share everything we learned with the young people in our community. Our team, made up of Valentin Kehayov, Severim Bobachev, Rahim Zehdiyev, and Aksinya Khadzhiyeva, participated in the Erasmus+ project focused on digital tools and organizational management, and now it’s time to pass on that knowledge to inspire others.
The project in Brașov was more than just a learning experience—it was an opportunity to connect, grow, and be part of something that goes beyond borders. Upon returning, we hosted an interactive session at our youth space, where we shared the insights and tools we gained from the program with two other Erasmus groups who joined us for this special exchange. The atmosphere was electric with excitement, as everyone was eager to learn about our journey and the incredible lessons we brought back.
Valentin Kehayov, the president of Млади изследователи за младежко развитие, was quick to express how transformative the project was for him. “In Brașov, we didn’t just learn about digital tools like monday.com, Avira, and Evernote—we learned how to completely reimagine the way we manage projects. These tools have already made an impact in our work back in Smolyan, helping us organize more efficiently and think more creatively,” he said with a spark in his eye. Valentin shared how they are already implementing monday.com in the day-to-day operations at the youth center, and the impact has been immediate. “It’s amazing to see how something so simple can boost productivity and bring the team closer,” he added.
For Severin Bobachev, the leader of неформална група Агора, the highlight of the project wasn’t just the technical skills but also the people and the connections. “The project brought together youth workers from different backgrounds and countries. Working with them was an incredible experience—it reminded me of the power of collaboration,” Severin explained. He pointed out how the informal games and cultural nights were essential for team bonding. “I will never forget the Bulgarian and Turkish intercultural nights. Sharing our traditions with others made me feel proud of our culture, and learning about theirs was equally enriching,” he reflected. Severin emphasized the importance of using these opportunities to bring back new ideas for youth development in Smolyan.
Rahim Zehdiyev, the leader of неформална група Младежи за развитие и вдъхновение, highlighted the practical aspects of the project that would benefit his work directly. “The session on ‘How Smart is Your Smartphone?’ was eye-opening,” he said with enthusiasm. “We always talk about technology, but this training made me realize just how underutilized our smartphones are for professional use. Apps like CamScanner and productivity tools like Evernote are game changers.” He spoke about his plans to organize workshops at the youth space to teach young people how to maximize their phones’ potential, not just for social media, but for learning, project management, and self-improvement.
Aksinya Khadzhiyeva, the youngest of the group, brought a fresh perspective to the project. “For me, it was a mix of learning and personal growth,” she shared with a bright smile. “At first, I was a bit nervous being in such an international environment, but quickly I realized how much we all had in common. Everyone was so welcoming, and the team spirit was incredible.” Aksinya loved the discussions around mobile payments and digital security, especially the session where they worked with Avira to understand how to protect their personal information online. “As someone who’s just starting to manage my own projects, learning about password protection and secure apps was super useful,” she added. Aksinya is already planning to lead a session on digital security for younger members of the youth center.
Back in Smolyan, our team organized a special day at the youth space to share these insights with the two Erasmus groups that joined us. The participants were immediately drawn to the stories from Brașov. Valentin shared his newfound passion for digital project management, while Severim talked about the cultural exchange and the importance of keeping an open mind in international collaborations. Rahim excitedly demonstrated the different apps they used during the project, and Aksinya showed how she’s already implementing some of these tools in her daily life.
The young people in the audience were particularly inspired by how practical and accessible the tools were. Many were excited to try out the applications on their own phones and saw immediate ways to integrate them into their personal and professional lives. As one participant said, “I had no idea my smartphone could do all this! It’s going to make my studies and volunteer work so much easier!”
The event was filled with energy and enthusiasm, as the youth groups discussed potential projects they could work on using the apps and tools learned from Brașov. Some even suggested organizing a hackathon or digital workshop to help more young people in the region understand how to use their phones and computers more effectively for personal growth and professional development.
The Lasting Impact
Our return to Smolyan is just the beginning. The tools and knowledge we brought back from Brașov are already making a difference in how we approach youth work and community projects. By empowering the young people here with these resources, we are creating a ripple effect that will continue to grow. From digital literacy to cultural awareness, the impact of this project will be felt for a long time.
As Severin said, “We’ve proven that together we can do more. These experiences don’t just stay in Brașov—they come home with us, and they change the way we think, work, and collaborate.”
We are proud to have been part of this Erasmus+ experience and can’t wait to see the future projects that will emerge from everything we’ve learned. Stay tuned, Smolyan, because big things are coming!
This article should capture the essence of the experience and how your group is sharing the knowledge with your community. Let me know if you’d like any further adjustments!
After an unforgettable and inspiring experience in Brașov, Romania, we are excited to be back at our youth center in Smolyan, ready to share everything we learned with the young people in our community. Our team, made up of Valentin Kehayov, Severin Bobachev, Rahim Zehdiyev, and Aksinya Hadzhiyeva, participated in the Erasmus+ project focused on digital tools and organizational management, and now it’s time to pass on that knowledge to inspire others.
The project in Brașov was more than just a learning experience—it was an opportunity to connect, grow, and be part of something that goes beyond borders. Upon returning, we hosted an interactive session at our youth space, where we shared the insights and tools we gained from the program with two other Erasmus groups who joined us for this special exchange. The atmosphere was electric with excitement, as everyone was eager to learn about our journey and the incredible lessons we brought back.
Valentin Kehayov, the president of Млади изследователи за младежко развитие, was quick to express how transformative the project was for him. “In Brașov, we didn’t just learn about digital tools like monday.com, Avira, and Evernote—we learned how to completely reimagine the way we manage projects. These tools have already made an impact in our work back in Smolyan, helping us organize more efficiently and think more creatively,” he said with a spark in his eye. Valentin shared how they are already implementing monday.com in the day-to-day operations at the youth center, and the impact has been immediate. “It’s amazing to see how something so simple can boost productivity and bring the team closer,” he added.
For Severim Bobachev, the leader of неформална група Агора, the highlight of the project wasn’t just the technical skills but also the people and the connections. “The project brought together youth workers from different backgrounds and countries. Working with them was an incredible experience—it reminded me of the power of collaboration,” Severin explained. He pointed out how the informal games and cultural nights were essential for team bonding. “I will never forget the Bulgarian and Turkish intercultural nights. Sharing our traditions with others made me feel proud of our culture, and learning about theirs was equally enriching,” he reflected. Severin emphasized the importance of using these opportunities to bring back new ideas for youth development in Smolyan.
Rahim Zehdiev, the leader of неформална група Младежи за развитие и вдъхновение, highlighted the practical aspects of the project that would benefit his work directly. “The session on ‘How Smart is Your Smartphone?’ was eye-opening,” he said with enthusiasm. “We always talk about technology, but this training made me realize just how underutilized our smartphones are for professional use. Apps like CamScanner and productivity tools like Evernote are game changers.” He spoke about his plans to organize workshops at the youth space to teach young people how to maximize their phones’ potential, not just for social media, but for learning, project management, and self-improvement.
Aksinya Hadzhiyeva, the youngest of the group, brought a fresh perspective to the project. “For me, it was a mix of learning and personal growth,” she shared with a bright smile. “At first, I was a bit nervous being in such an international environment, but quickly I realized how much we all had in common. Everyone was so welcoming, and the team spirit was incredible.” Aksinya loved the discussions around mobile payments and digital security, especially the session where they worked with Avira to understand how to protect their personal information online. “As someone who’s just starting to manage my own projects, learning about password protection and secure apps was super useful,” she added. Aksinya is already planning to lead a session on digital security for younger members of the youth center.
A Day to Share: Spreading the Knowledge
Back in Smolyan, our team organized a special day at the youth space to share these insights with the two Erasmus groups that joined us. The participants were immediately drawn to the stories from Brașov. Valentin shared his newfound passion for digital project management, while Severim talked about the cultural exchange and the importance of keeping an open mind in international collaborations. Rahim excitedly demonstrated the different apps they used during the project, and Aksinya showed how she’s already implementing some of these tools in her daily life.
The young people in the audience were particularly inspired by how practical and accessible the tools were. Many were excited to try out the applications on their own phones and saw immediate ways to integrate them into their personal and professional lives. As one participant said, “I had no idea my smartphone could do all this! It’s going to make my studies and volunteer work so much easier!”
The event was filled with energy and enthusiasm, as the youth groups discussed potential projects they could work on using the apps and tools learned from Brașov. Some even suggested organizing a hackathon or digital workshop to help more young people in the region understand how to use their phones and computers more effectively for personal growth and professional development.
Our return to Smolyan is just the beginning. The tools and knowledge we brought back from Brașov are already making a difference in how we approach youth work and community projects. By empowering the young people here with these resources, we are creating a ripple effect that will continue to grow. From digital literacy to cultural awareness, the impact of this project will be felt for a long time.
As Severin said, “We’ve proven that together we can do more. These experiences don’t just stay in Brașov—they come home with us, and they change the way we think, work, and collaborate.”
We are proud to have been part of this Erasmus+ experience and can’t wait to see the future projects that will emerge from everything we’ve learned. Stay tuned, Smolyan, because big things are coming!
В рамките на проекта Time to Move 2024, имахме поредна изключително ползотворна среща с младежи, където ги информирахме за всички бъдещи инициативи на нашето сдружение „Млади изследователи за младежко развитие“. Срещата беше фокусирана върху социалната и емоционална ангажираност на младите хора, като им предоставихме информация за новите проекти по програмите Erasmus+ и Европейския корпус за солидарност.
Като Евродеск точка, нашата организация игр
ае важна роля в предоставянето на актуална информация за възможностите за мобилност и развитие, които се предлагат на младите хора. Обсъдихме значението на тези програми за личностното и професионално развитие на участниците, както и подкрепата, която ние като организация осигуряваме за тяхната адаптация след завръщането от международни проекти.
По време на срещата акцентирахме върху темата за адаптацията след участие в проекти по „Еразъм+“, като споделихме опита на наши участници и предложихме стратегии за справяне с културния шок. Важно е младежите да имат подкрепа след завръщането си, затова планираме и бъдещи индивидуални консултации, които да помогнат за емоционалната им стабилност и по-лесно приспособяване.
Една от основните теми на събитието бяха и предстоящите ни проекти, включително младежки обмени в Испания и Кипър, които ще се проведат в рамките на следващите няколко месеца. Особено вълнуващ беше разговорът за нашия голям проект, който предстои през октомври в село Макински – младежки обмен на тема екология. В този проект ще участват младежи от Гърция, Румъния и България, които ще работят по теми, свързани с опазването на околната среда и устойчивостта.
Проектът Time to Move 2024 се утвърждава като една от най-успешните инициативи на нашата организация, предоставяйки на младите хора ценна информация за възможностите за мобилност и участие в международни програми. В рамките на срещата проведохме отворена дискусия, където младежите задаваха въпроси и споделяха своя опит, а ние им предложихме съвети и насоки за бъдещите им участия.
Работилницата беше изключително успешна, като създадохме подкрепяща и интерактивна среда, в която всички участници се почувстваха уверени и ангажирани. След тази среща ще продължим с организирането на индивидуални консултации и сесии за споделяне на опит, които ще дадат възможност на младите хора да получат още по-задълбочена подкрепа и насоки за тяхното бъдещо развитие.
Очакваме с нетърпение следващите инициативи и сме уверени, че участието на младите хора в тези програми ще допринесе за тяхното личностно развитие и социална ангажираност.