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As part of the “Youth Waves Surfers: Multiplier Effect for Youth Clubs” project, Youth Initiatives for Youth Development (YIYD) is implementing a series of impactful local activities. These activities, including webinars, local seminars/workshops, and roundtables, aim to empower young people, equip them with essential skills, and create a collaborative environment for the development of youth clubs and spaces. With the guidance of Conexao Jovem, the activities will bring together various stakeholders to foster dialogue, share best practices, and address challenges faced by young people, especially those in rural areas.

Building Knowledge and Skills The project involves the development of three webinars, each partner taking charge of one. These webinars will provide young people, particularly those in rural areas and with fewer opportunities, with important information on the steps involved in creating and managing a youth club. The webinars will focus on topics such as youth club creation, youth club management (people, finances, resources), and building youth clubs based on best practices. Each webinar will last for one hour, offering participants valuable insights and practical guidance.

Local Seminars/Workshops: Equipping Youth and Stakeholders Two local seminars/workshops will be organized in each partner country, targeting young people aged 15-30, especially those in rural areas and with fewer opportunities. Additionally, youth workers, staff from youth organizations, and representatives from youth centers and youth clubs will participate. The seminars/workshops will provide participants with essential skills and knowledge on empowering young people to take part in creating youth clubs and spaces. Topics covered include creating a vision for the youth club, strategic planning, activities and resources, and developing partnerships with various entities. Through interactive methodologies, such as discussions, group work, case analysis, and creative tasks, participants will engage in practical learning experiences.

Roundtables: Bridging the Gap and Collaborating Two roundtables will be organized by each partner, inviting local and national stakeholders, including representatives from local municipalities, policy makers, officers of public institutions, managers of youth work bodies, youth workers, and young people, especially those from rural areas and with fewer opportunities. These roundtables will serve as platforms for open discussions, allowing stakeholders and young people to address challenges and obstacles faced in organizing local activities and youth clubs. Participants will collaborate to find innovative solutions and build partnerships, ensuring the voice of youth is heard and considered in decision-making processes.

Target Groups and Beneficiaries: The target groups for these activities vary across the subactivities:

The results of these activities will benefit young people by providing them with the necessary knowledge, skills, and resources to actively participate in the creation and management of youth clubs. Additionally, representatives from municipalities, public institutions, and youth work bodies will gain insights into the challenges faced by young people, fostering collaboration and creating a common space for cooperation among stakeholders.

The local activities within the “Youth Waves Surfers: Multiplier Effect for Youth Clubs” project highlight the commitment of Youth Initiatives for Youth Development (YIYD) and their partners to empower young people and create supportive environments for their engagement. Through webinars, local seminars/workshops, and roundtables, the project aims to equip young individuals with the necessary skills, foster collaboration among stakeholders, and address challenges faced by youth clubs. By focusing on knowledge-sharing, capacity building, and collaborative problem-solving, the project contributes to the development of vibrant and inclusive youth communities.