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Youth Waves Surfers: Multiplier effect for Youth Clubs

All our objectives are connected to the main HORIZONTAL PRIORITY “Common Values, Civic Engagement and Participation” because our main will is to create tangible results among young people by providing them concrete tools, competences and connections to overcome the obstacles they do have in the creation of their participation path in the society and in their communities. This is exactly what our ” Youth Waves Surfers: Multiplier effect for Youth Clubs” project is all about.

Our specific objectives are:
To explore difficulties and obstacles for young people to gather and to create youth clubs, especially in rural areas of Europe and suburbs of cities.
To guide young people to create youth clubs and spaces through the creation of a Manual on how to develop a youth club and manage it in terms of spaces and funds. To transfer competences to young people from all over the countries involved on how to develop activities for their peers and create spaces of gathering for other youngsters in rural areas.
To gather stakeholders and young people to debate and create recommendations and possible new paths for youth policies and the creation of youth clubs and spaces for them at rural level. To share good practices about youth clubs creation and management in Europe and to create a network of youth clubs and youth spaces in Europe. To connect policy makers and young people in the creation of youth clubs and youth spaces through promotion of cooperation activities at local level.

The main target group will be young people in general but we will be then approaching different target age groups also in young people groups.
15 – 18 years old they will be involved through the network of contacts developed by the different organisations with local schools and also through the street activities each organisation is usually organising in their community.
19 – 25 years old also through the youth spaces and the local activities each organisation of the consortium is running and also through the network of different entities public and private.
25 – 30 years old also will be involved in these activities. We will create a various composition of young people in order to enable them to cooperate focusing not much on the age but mostly on the common will to participate and create youth clubs and raise youth ideas for their communities. Young people will be the ones with whom we will be working in all the different phases of the project since they are our core target group.

stay tuned for news about the project…